New samsung has lastly released the Galaxy Grand 2 in Indian at a meeting in Mumbai. The Grand 2 will be available in shops from Jan forward, but amazingly we haven't got an formal cost for the phone. New samsung says it will be available between Rs 22,990 and Rs 24,990 in the market. This is a very odd way of releasing a phone as the only thing that stayed a secret after last month's introduction was the cost and we still don't know what it will be.
The Grand 2 has a challenging process before it. It will have to adhere to the achievements of the Galaxy Grand, one of the top selling mobile phones this year. To do so, New samsung has made some important developments in the specifications. With regards to style, the Grand requires off from the lately released Observe 3, which had a artificial set back. This creates an overall look on the Grand 2 and gives it a better look than any simply shiny item of nasty could.
The Galaxy Grand 2 functions a 16:9 720p show with a quality of 1280x720 p. It comes with assistance for Samsung's Multiple Display function that allows multi-tasking on the device’s huge screen. The internals have also been beefed up as the Galaxy Grand 2 is operated by a Qualcomm chipset (most likely the Snapdragon 400) with a quad-core processer which is 1.2GHz and there's a proper and balanced 1.5GB of RAM on panel, that should preferably provide a sleek and lagfree encounter. It operates on Android system 4.3, and there is no term on whether it will get Android system KitKat.
It actions 146.8 x 75.3 x 8.9 mm, and guidelines the range at 163 grms. All of this is driven by a 2,600mAh battery power that New samsung says is good enough for up to 10 time of play-back and 17 time of talk-time.
Continuing the Galaxy heritage, the Grand 2 comes with some intelligent functions that proceed such as the Tale Record to arrange images, an S Translation app, a New samsung Grand, S Journey, New samsung Weblink and more. New samsung has declared a new combined hub for all multi-media and enjoyment material known as Team New samsung. This will be a specific shop for purchasing films, songs, show video clips and stay TV reveals. Team New samsung is free for customers of the Grand 2 for the first 3 several weeks.
The Grand 2 has a challenging process before it. It will have to adhere to the achievements of the Galaxy Grand, one of the top selling mobile phones this year. To do so, New samsung has made some important developments in the specifications. With regards to style, the Grand requires off from the lately released Observe 3, which had a artificial set back. This creates an overall look on the Grand 2 and gives it a better look than any simply shiny item of nasty could.
The Galaxy Grand 2 functions a 16:9 720p show with a quality of 1280x720 p. It comes with assistance for Samsung's Multiple Display function that allows multi-tasking on the device’s huge screen. The internals have also been beefed up as the Galaxy Grand 2 is operated by a Qualcomm chipset (most likely the Snapdragon 400) with a quad-core processer which is 1.2GHz and there's a proper and balanced 1.5GB of RAM on panel, that should preferably provide a sleek and lagfree encounter. It operates on Android system 4.3, and there is no term on whether it will get Android system KitKat.
It actions 146.8 x 75.3 x 8.9 mm, and guidelines the range at 163 grms. All of this is driven by a 2,600mAh battery power that New samsung says is good enough for up to 10 time of play-back and 17 time of talk-time.
Continuing the Galaxy heritage, the Grand 2 comes with some intelligent functions that proceed such as the Tale Record to arrange images, an S Translation app, a New samsung Grand, S Journey, New samsung Weblink and more. New samsung has declared a new combined hub for all multi-media and enjoyment material known as Team New samsung. This will be a specific shop for purchasing films, songs, show video clips and stay TV reveals. Team New samsung is free for customers of the Grand 2 for the first 3 several weeks.
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